Saturday, April 30, 2016

Worldly Women Tasting Wine (NBD)

Question:  Is wine a brunch? 
Answer:  Yes… always yes.

Hey brunchers!  This week we found ourselves on a little wine tasting adventure.  Yes, yes; we know.  Where’s the brunch?  Well, we skipped breakfast and lunch as punishment for our betrayal… so there.  What else do you want from us!?  When 18 bottles of wine come a knockin’ you don’t say no, you go. 

CJ Mahoney’s in Rochester Hills hosted this event.  Man, the last time we were there we were wearing t-shirts as dresses (don’t judge us… we had the bodies for it back then).  You could say it’s been a while.  The atmosphere was laid back and décor and patronage was pretty typical of any sports bar.  However, it was well lit and comfortable.  The 2 levels of the bar made it feel separated, which was nice in this case because we were absolutely uninterested in watching any sporting event known to man. 

We were, and this is unusual, almost the first winos to arrive.  We collected our wristbands, tasting tickets and gift bag (with a bottle of free wine!) as the area designated for the tasting event quickly filled up with fancy people ready to get their fermented grape on! 

We were ready to take our mouths on a trip around the world! 

First stop, A 2013 Good Harbor Pinot Grigio (Leelanau Peninsula).  Thoughts:  This wine is saltier than an ex-boyfriend who didn’t get his favorite sweater back.  We love making men cry… so we loved this wine! 

Next we went on to a 2015 Charles & Charles Rose’ (Columbia Valley).  Thought:  These girls have never really been Rose’ fans (it just isn’t bold or sexy enough for us), and this wine did not change that fact.  But, since she broke onto the scene in Orange is the New Black, we have been BIG fans of Ruby Rose (she’s bold and sexy enough for us).  We found ourselves thinking about how this wine should really change its name, because it can’t hold a candle to her.  Pathetic. 

Out of the other 16 samples we had had, there were a few more noteworthy wines.  A Benvolio Prosecco, that Julie insisted on calling “BonJovi Bruschetta”, a Smith & Hook Cabernet Sauvignon and also the Boneshaker Zinfandel.  All very different, with outstanding flavors, and all worth a try! 

But the winner of the tasting was a smooth little red by the name of Save Me San Francisco Wine Co. “Hella Fine” Merlot.  This wine straight up “turnt” Lynsey, who is generally quite opposed to any wine darker than a blush.  And it was so delicious we had to go back for a second glass!  Those boys from the band Train sure know how pick a damn good grape.

Andrea, the host, was fabulous!  She did an amazing job and was very attentive and appreciative of all who joined in the fun.  And the waitresses working our table were friendly and fun.  From what we could tell, CJ Mahoney’s has a great staff!

There was one disappointment however, they ran out of wine!  And nearing the end the event the choices were very limited. 

Overall, we had a lot of fun and plan on attending the next one!  And we urge all of our readers to do the same.  We just wanna hang out with you. 

C’mon… get out and taste the world.

By Julie Gage and Lynsey Sullivan

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